Fair trade coffee & its alternatives – Best Guide

Bonjour Caffeine lovers! Welcome to part 2 of our series on Sustainable Coffee – Everything you need to know!   In today’s part, we are going to talk about Fairtrade coffee and how it claims to help small farmers. We are going to walk through its need, and work. We will also see the criticism it has faced. Alternates like third-wave coffee moments will be discussed. If you have missed part 1 do Click here! 

Fair trade coffee is certified according to Fairtrade standards. It builds trade partnerships between farmers and sellers based on dialogue, transparency, and respect. Thus the main goal of Fairtrade is to achieve fairness in international trade. Improving the trade circumstances for bean producers, for instance. Collaborations also help long-term growth. The group promotes producers and environmentally-friendly agricultural techniques. It also prohibits child and forced labor.

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What is the concept of fair trade coffee?

Fair trade coffee

  • Fairtrade certification, is like the eco-label- label, hence it informs you about a product’s origin.
  • Farmers receive a fair price, and because of it their communities and the environment benefit.
  • Fairtrade coffee producers sell their harvests directly to foreign customers. This is done by long-term contracts. They learn how to use the crops as products and run an organization.
  • Fairtrade helps them to compete in a worldwide market. As a result, we get a more sustainable coffee.
  • The concept of Fairtrade is to provide empowerment that lifts agricultural families out of poverty via commerce rather than assistance. It creates a fairer and long-term international trading model.

Why do we need Fairtrade?

Fair trade coffee

  • Fair pay: Farmers always get paid well for their crops. Pre-harvest finance is also available to farmer organizations.
  • Environment: Farmers practice sustainable agricultural practices. Fairtrade farmers also maintain the animal habitat and prevent soil erosion.
    Farmers adhere to environmental procedures, which include water-saving and garbage disposal.
  • Fair working conditions: Workers on fair trade farms have the freedom to work in safe circumstances.

Fairtrade Debate

The fair trade debate is about the ethical and economic consequences of fair trade. It talks about the reported flaws with the Fairtrade brand.

  • Oversupply of certification- Only a small percentage of Fairtrade products are sold on Fair Trade markets. Many manufacturers do not comply with sustainable fair trade criteria.
  • Inequity – According to some, fair trade is beneficial for traders and farmers in wealthy countries. Because you must fulfill quality and political requirements to join Fairtrade.
  • Political compulsion – The Fairtrade standards also include political principles about what economic, environmental, and social issues exist and how they should be addressed.

Direct trade & Third-wave coffee Movements

The major distinction between fair trade and direct trade is that their final aims are different. Fairtrade improves farmers’ livelihoods by giving them more cash for their crops. They accomplish this by charging consumers an additional fee.
Direct trade, on the other hand, eliminates intermediaries. They ensure that the farmers earn commission as well. Third-wave coffee moment uses direct trade to source coffee beans. The 3rd wave movement also exclusively utilizes 3 to 14 days old coffee roasting. They also believe in softly roasting coffee. And as a result, this helps with sampling a variety of tastes.

According to us, all the organizations are doing a good job. And hence, we leave the decision up to you.

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References: More about Fairtrade coffee 

Ethical objections to Fairtrade coffee

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