Best Coffee Grinder Recommendations

Imagine this, you woke up in the morning, and bright sunshine streams through your window. You inhale the rich aroma wafting through your house as you brew your coffee. And you smile it’s going to be an amazing day. Brewing coffee is a soothing way to start the day, it’s a ritual to happiness. And grinding your coffee can increase this happiness tenfold. When you’re on the move, buying your coffee grounds save time and energy, but understanding how to correctly buzz coffee beans at home could make a significant difference in the flavor and texture you acquire. Today we are going to talk about coffee grounds and how we can grind our coffee at home. We will discuss the best coffee grinder recommendations and of course, get some #gloocoffeecommunity insights.

Read the previous Home-Barista blog here: Moka Pot Recommendation: Best Budget-friendly options

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Is it worth the effort to grind your coffee?

coffee grinds

Yes, if you want to enjoy a nice cup of coffee, grinding your beans is the first step. Fresh is always better, as a result freshly ground coffee is better. Aside from the wonderful fragrances and flavors that fresh buzz provides, you’ll be able to choose the size, which has a significant influence on flavor.

What is the significance of grind size?

The size and texture of your grind are vital because the more water contact your coffee gets throughout the brewing process, the faster it will be extracted. You may accidentally inhibit extraction because your grind is too fine for your brewing procedure. Moreover, water may travel through your coffee too fast if the grind is too coarse, resulting in a weak, bland cup.

Is it possible to grind coffee without a grinder?

Yes, if you don’t want to ground them by hand, you may use a blender or food processor. Use a hammer, mortar, pestle, hand mincer, or rolling pin to ground beans by hand. You may make the grind as fine or coarse as you desire with any of these options.

What’s the best way to get started on grinding your coffee?

To get a consistent medium-fine to fine grind, use a mortar and pestle. It will take some time and effort, but the end product should be fantastic. To achieve the correct texture, pulse the beans in a food processor. Try blitzing a scant 1/2 cup of entire beans at a time for more consistent results.

Best coffee grinders according to our #gloocoffeecommunity

1. HARIO Coffee Mill Dome – Hand Grinder

Ceramic burrs are used in this manual coffee grinder. Ceramic burrs do not transfer heat and shave the coffee bean rather than shatter it as blade grinders do. This method produces a more uniform grind that may be readily modified and stored for future use. Buy Here

2. TIME MORE Chestnut C2 Manual Coffee Grinder 

Hand coffee grinder

The stainless steel grinding core is precision CNC cutting and shaping, the sharp blade can quickly and evenly cut coffee beans, the grinding is labor-saving and smooth, and the grinding time is short. Buy Here

3.InstaCuppa Coffee Bean Grinder

Instacuppa coffee grinder

InstaCuppa manual grinder includes a built-in grind selector with over 18 click settings for customizing your coffee bean grind sizes for your French Press, Moka Pot, and other coffee makers. Buy Here

Words of wisdom from #gloocoffeecommunity

  1. Gloo coffee club user handle Chomchom

coffee grinder

“I got into the coffee during the pandemic and invested in a grinder as soon as I could as I understood it to be one of the most important factors in brewing coffee. Investing in comandante c40 and beginning my coffee brewing journey was one of my best decision.

I started with a french press and gradually bought an Aeropress, v60, origami, Kalita sagan, syphon, Moka pot, and finally a flair pro 2 for espresso.

My usual preference is making pour-overs. I grind at 24 clicks (medium-fine/medium) and tinker with the grind size according to roast profile, taste, and type of coffee grounds. I grind a bit coarser when it comes to washed coffees as they tend to clog the filter. Grind finer if it is sour and coarser if it is acidic.

I am still new to espresso and until recently made terrible brews. However, after watching a lot of videos on YouTube by Lance Hedrick, Aramse, James Hoffmann, etc,”

Watch Lance Hedrick now!

James Hoffman Beginner’s guide to coffee grinding

Aramse Hand grinding guide!

“I have been able to significantly improve my taste. I typically grind between 10-14 clicks depending on the roast profile, effort it takes me to apply pressure on the manual lever, taste, etc.

For the grinder’s longevity, I clean the grinder regularly especially if am using oily beans. Each click is 30 microns.”

Have a great cuppa joe!

2. #Glooclubcommunity user Anonymous

Coffee grinder

I got hooked on good coffee because of a friend. My drink is black coffee with no sugar, so French presses are ideal for me. The main reason I opted to get a grinder is to try out different types of coffee beans from different sellers. I usually get about a half kilo in one go, to brew for over a month. A month is really bad for pre-grounds, they lose flavor and start to smell stale no matter how you store them. So, I’m choosing to grind my coffee instead of putting time, energy, and shipping costs towards buying every two weeks or so.

I’m only really in the tryout phase for grinders and entry-tier manual ones the guys on the group recommended are best. The next batch of coffee I get, I’ll be able to spring for small packs of different varieties without worrying about them going stale too soon. If you are like me, it’s better not to add too much complexity, so get roasted beans. Medium roasts from saltoro and Devan’s are my favorite coffee grounds, I love some of their blends.

Happy Brewing!

If you enjoyed our coffee grinding article do join our coffee community for amazing discussions!

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